it's way after midnight and I'm not sleepy at all.
talking to my man, my personal heater
who's still in holland.
yesterday was my littlebrothers birthday,
who I haven't seen in a while.
on wednesday I'll be going to Sweden
to visit my granny and some friendly faces
and that thought sure warms up my heart.
and then, in a few days or weeks
I'll be back in Spain
and so will my man.
that thought warms my heart up even more.

there's nothing like sundays

when your hungover takes over all the energy in your body
when all you do is shiver and all you want to do is sit next to the fire.
you have a man who takes care of you, who cooks for you
who covers my forehead with beardy kisses.

like the legendary beatles once sang,
all you need is love.
next wednesday I'll be going to Norway to see my dearly beloved sister.
I can't wait!
vi har hängt upp ett lakan mellan två stolar framför brasan
för om vi hänger den ute så kommer det likna is imorgon bitti.
i denna stund sitter jag under detta lakan, framför brasan
värmer mina fötter som alltid lyckas bli kalla
likaså mina händer
alltid kalla, året runt.
min kärlek sitter på en stol bredvid, spelar ett nytt spel som
han har svårt att slita sig ifrån.
om 3 sekunder går vi och lägger oss
... nighty night.

arbetslös och lyckligare än någonsin

solen skiner igenom persienerna
och de gula löven förvandlas till guld.
té, honung och en brasa.
ett ritblock och en klick inspiration
och skäggiga pussar emellanåt.
the sun is shining for once and the neighbors
are burning leaves.
My bags are packed and the butterflies inside of me
are crazy.
Tomorrow at this time D and I will be in Holland.
happy, happy, happiness!
goin' to holland on thursday, btw.
last night I watched this weird french/american movie called
The Dreamers.
but there's always something magical in all movies,
most of them. 
in this one, for example
all the scenes where the good old movies turns up
and that these three persons are so obsessed with all of them.
the music, the clothes. 
eva greens eyes.

