När vi körde upp till bergen idag så spöregnade det så vi var tvugna att stanna eftersom regnet kändes som hagel och så stod vi där, under ett träd i en rondell och kysste bort regndropparna från varandras kinder.

One year and five months together.

I've spent the last three days with my D.
After not have felt him for one month and a half.
We've catched up on kisses, laughs, hugs and sleep.

Like I've said before,
home is wherever your heart is.
from the west to the east,
from the north to the south

a.k.a I'm back in Spain

Pippilotta Viktualia Rullgardina Krusmynta Efraimsdotter Långstrump.

Wednesday evening my sister Emma and I waited on my fathers delayed train
at Norrköpings trainstation. We talked about our anger, things we missed and things we couldn't understand.
The train arrived, the rain was pouring down.
I ran out, looked for a tall man in a grey jacket. I was scared that I wouldn't recognize him, since it's been over a year since I last saw him, and he had no idea I was surprising him.
A man was walking towards the station, I ran after. One meter from him I stopped, just in case he's not my dad.
He turns around, smiles and adds;
"Small animal!"

That's me, his small animal.

petit citrouille

peanut, cigarettes, fav-latte, rizitos, nh5, idaminida, pussgurkor & f3st

yesterday I took granny out. there was food, blues and captain morgan.

I left the east coast and ended up on the west coast

It's been four weeks and four days.
A plane brought me back up north, and since then I've hugged my sister,
my granny, my heartbeats. Heartbeats I hadn't held in a year.
Sunsets, lattes, Gothenburg, dances.
We listened to Bruce Springsteen from a rooftop
and bathed in ice cold waters.
In two weeks I'm planning to come back to the east coast, back to the mediterranean.
Back to my favourite pair of arms.


